
Streets & Drainage

VICKREY Engineers help Texas stay in the fast lane.

VICKREY has significant experience designing street and drainage improvements for cities, counties, TxDOT, and for private developments. Our teams of engineers and designers offer expertise in the planning, design and construction of rural and urban roadways including new arterials, substantial capacity improvements, highways, and major street reconstruction projects.

Drainage projects include complex urban street and drainage designs which require storm water modeling efforts such as 1D/2D dynamic modeling; storm sewer systems using XP-SWMM with dynamic tailwater outfalls where required 1D/2D modeling to provide a complete analysis of subdivision streets, arterials, and collectors. We also have experience designing natural channels where large watershed storage volumes were quantified using HEC-GeoRAS Unsteady to provide accurate base flood elevations for FEMA CLOMR’s and LOMR’s.

Submitted by sharkadmin on Fri, 12/03/2021 - 02:54